SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Nano-technology and Nano-science


Monday, June 13, 2016

Nano-technology and Nano-science

Photo of Richard Feynman

The latest and sensitive topic of new generation is nano-technology. Nano technology is the science ,engineering and technology conduct at nano scale i.e about 1 to 100 nano scale. Nanotechnology and nano science are the study and application of extremely small things and can be used across the field of science like biology, chemistry, physics, math, engineering, and material science. It is hard to imagine that how small nano technology is. One nano meter is just equal to 10-9 of a meter.  The father of nanotechnology was Physicist Richard Feynman .

It is one of the interesting topic of science and technology. It is involve in the ability to see and prevent individual atoms and molecule, Earth where we are surviving our life is made up of these small atoms for eg;- the food we eat, the clothes we wear, the building and house we live and our bodies too. We are not able to see some of small atom with our naked eyes. And also impossible to see with the microscope which we used in our high school science class. The microscope need to see nano scales thing were invented 30 years ago.

Application of nano technology .
Nano technology can be use in every sector related with science and technology as shown in the given figure.
a)Medical science 
Nanotechnology is used to treatment of disease.Nano-medical ranges from the medical application of nano-material and biological devices like biosensor and even future application of molecular nanotechnology such as biological machines. Nano material can be useful for both vivo and vitro biomedical research and its application. And it lead to the development of diagnostic devices, contrast agents, analytical tools, physical therapy application and drugs delivery vehicles.
b)Nano biotechnology 
Nano biotechnology, biotechnology, nano biology are the terms derived from the intersection of nanotechnology and biology. Its help us to biological research with various field of nanotechnology. Nano devices such as biological machines, nano particals, and nano scale are the biological term of nanotechnology.

 Nano technology is also used in industrial sector to easier their work. Its is used to easy to clean to scratch  resistant for example car bumper are made lighter, clothing is more stain repellent, sunscreen is more radiation resistant, cell phone screen are lighter weight and many more. Using of nano tech change all the electronic appliance of industries make smart through embedded wearable electronics.


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